Top 10 Best 3D Printer in India

Best 3D Printer – Until not long ago, 3D printers seemed more like a fixture of science fiction or high-tech industries. However, today they are already available to the general public. On the other hand, more and more companies of all kinds are turning to the best 3D printers to develop their activity. But how do you buy the right one?

In full 2020 there are so many options that it is easy to get lost. So that you are not confused by the wide variety of methods available for 3D printing, as well as their variety in terms of materials, speeds and uses, we have put together this article. In it we help you to know the product in depth, but also to choose the 3D printer that best suits your circumstances.

Top 10 Best 3D Printer in India

Best 3d Printer
Best 3d Printer

The most important

  • There are different printing technologies. Depending on this, the performance of the product varies, as well as the filament that is used (and that also affects the quality or the type of printing). Keeping this in mind is crucial to avoid failed investments and always make the right purchase.
  • The best 3D printers are a useful element for both private users and companies of all sizes. By being able to use all kinds of materials for printing, from glass to bronze, or even chocolate, this hardware allows to obtain all kinds of objects for all kinds of industries.
  • Depending on the type of objects you want to print, you will need a 3D printer with a larger or smaller print volume. On the other hand, precision is linked to the robustness of the product. This is not always essential, but in some situations it should be a primary endpoint.

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The best 3D printers on the market: our selection

Choosing one of the best 3D printers is not an easy task. Not long ago, they were only accessible to people with specific technical knowledge. To this day this is no longer the case. However, they remain great unknown. But before delving into its intricate world, we offer you a list of the five best 3D printers on the market today!

  • Best entry-level 3D printer
  • The best high-end 3D printer
  • The cheapest 3D printer on the market
  • The most versatile 3D printer on the market
  • Best Desktop 3D Printer

Shopping Guide: What You Should Know About 3D Printers

As you can see, the best 3D printers are already within the reach of almost any pocket. However, they continue to generate certain reluctance in the general public. Unjustified, everything is said, due to ignorance. Therefore, below we delve into everything related to this innovative hardware with the intention of banishing unfounded prejudices and promoting knowledge.

What is a 3D printer and what is it for?

The 3D printer is a hardware that allows to reproduce three-dimensional objects. To achieve this, it uses a modeling of molten plastic filaments, copper, wood, bronze, glass, and even chocolate! (although the list is much longer). It works in layers through three basic coordinates (X, Y, Z) that allow you to define a true impression.

As for what a 3D printer is for, there is no single answer. This hardware can be used for both private and professional use (in fields as diverse as medicine or cinema). And is that with the best 3D printers you can create practically any object you want, even delicious kitchen dishes!

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a 3D printer?

The best cheap 3D printers, as well as the high-end ones, are still not definitively installed in our society. This attitude seems to be making us lose countless advantages. 3D printers are not only useful for fields as technical as those of medicine, but any average user can find them countless advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of 3D printers

  • Possibility of manufacturing all kinds of products, both focused on the professional field (an orthopedic appendix) and the personal one (a personalized doll for your partner).
  • Cost reduction of the same production. Without a doubt, good news for startups or ideas seeking external financing.
  • It allows to obtain levels of personalization never before achieved. For example, with a 3D printer you can make exclusive garments or unique personal items.
  • With the necessary imagination, it opens up endless possibilities at the business level (basic, medium and advanced).
  • Easy to change prototypes and modify existing designs, which opens up new creation paths.
  • Great room for improvement due to its still fledgling technology. This augurs a positive medium and long-term future with which to revolutionize all spectra of society.

Disadvantages of 3D printers

  • Higher quality 3D printers can come at exorbitant prices.
  • Its misuse can increase certain crime rates, as well as the availability of useless and unnecessary objects.
  • Increasing its accessibility can present copyright issues (anyone can replicate anything).

How does a 3D printer work?

As a user, first, you must design the object you want to 3D print through a specific program. Thanks to this software you can create practically any object. The limit is in your imagination and your technical knowledge. On the other hand, if you prefer not to design, you can always scan the object in 3D and then print it.

To carry out their mission, the best 3D printers on the market use filaments of various materials. As we already advanced at the beginning of this shopping guide, the material of these filaments can have a diverse origin (from glass to chocolate). The 3D printer uses a fusion system that molds the filaments and joins them to create the object.

What is the FDM and SLS technology of a 3D printer?

FDM ( Fused Deposition Modeling ) technology is a fused deposition modeling technology. In a more mundane language, it is a 3D printing system that consists of casting plastic and then depositing it layer by layer until the final piece is shaped. This 3D printing process is the most common among this type of hardware .

SLS technology ( Selective Laster Sintering , in English) is a 3D printing system similar to that of FDM technology, but more specific to professional environments. It consists of the use of a high-power laser. Thanks to it, powder of the material used for printing is melted onto a mass with which the desired object is formed in three dimensions.

What do 3D injection and stereolithography printers offer?

The best 3D printers can also work by injection or by stereolithography (also known as SLA printing). The first option injects photopolymer in a liquid state and molds it to build the 3D object. The second, on the contrary, works by means of a laser system. This solidifies a resin previously in a liquid state to form the object.

Here is a comparative table of its advantages and disadvantages according to each technology:

Printer typeAdvantageDisadvantages
By injectionAbility to combine materials with opposite or dissimilar characteristics without great difficulties . Excellent precision and high quality finishes. Sensational option to mass print objects that demand high quality standards.Difficulties when combining different pigmentations. Limited to the use of waxy materials.
By stereolithography (SLA)Superlative printing speed, which makes this type of 3D printer a great option for prototyping. Thanks to its versatility, it is also useful for printing functional parts. Great applications in the field of dentistry and jewelry.If you are looking for superlative results, you may have to invest thousands of euros. The level of production it offers is somewhat small compared to other printing alternatives.

What are the ABS and PLA filaments of a 3D printer?

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is just one type of plastic. It is very common in today’s 3D printers. Its main characteristics are flexibility, hardness and resistance. In fact, it is also widely used in the automotive world or in the manufacture of toys. As a counterpoint, it is more sensitive to temperature than its PLA alternative.

As for PLA (polylactic acid) filaments, they are formed with a less flexible type of plastic than ABS. However, it offers other advantages, such as less strong odors or its biodegradable condition (not derived from oil). In addition, it is more resistant to changes in temperature, thus avoiding possible problems due to deformation.

What is the extruder of a 3D printer?

Extruders are a key piece when it comes to understanding how a 3D printer works. With them you can complete the printing process. They are in charge of manipulating the filament and then melting it, uniting it in layers and thus forming the desired object. There are direct and indirect extruders. The first is more useful in case of breakdowns. The second usually offers greater speed.

Purchase criteria

You already know the most important aspects of a 3D printer (elements that make it up and the techniques it uses to carry out its mission). However, when purchasing a 3D printer, this knowledge is insufficient. But why? Because each purchase process is a world in itself in which you must value different variables like these:

  • Type of user
  • Material used for printing
  • Print size
  • Design and level of precision
  • Community Opinions

Type of user

Depending on whether you want to print large or more conventional pieces, you should opt for one type of 3D printer or another (industrial or desktop). As for the latter, they are the alternative on which we have focused our ranking of the best on the market. On the other hand, a 3D printer for business is not the same as one for private use.

Material used for printing

From the material used for printing, depending on the objective you are looking for, depends on the performance of the hardware . Not all 3D printers work the same with the same material. Therefore, it is necessary that you take a look at the specifications of the model that interests you. And if it is not clear to you, seek additional information or consult a specialist!

Print size

Printing a small action figure is not the same as printing a flashy piece of furniture. That is why, depending on the type of object you are looking to print, you will need a 3D printer or another. Most models have a print volume of around 200 x 200 x 200. However, there are options that go further (400, 600 or more). Find the one that fits your needs.

Design and level of precision

The structure of a 3D printer has a direct influence on its performance and therefore its printing precision. That is why you should always opt for one of the best 3D printers on the market whose main characteristic is robustness. Obviously, quality costs money, but there are inexpensive options that more than deliver.

Community Opinions

Although it is a product that does not yet have a solid user community, in recent years there have been numerous forums and portals dedicated to it. That is why, before investing in a specific model, it would be useful to go through one of the websites dedicated to 3D printers and collect data. Comments from other users can be very helpful.

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3D printers are gradually gaining an important place in our daily lives. Its medium and long-term future seems bomb-proof. They are a product that does not stop improving and that offers a very wide number of possibilities. Whether you are an individual or if you want to start a company, a 3D printer can be very useful.

But to buy the best 3D printer based on your circumstances, you must assess aspects as varied as the material you want to use for printing or the size you are looking for in printed objects. With a previous study, some patience and a good budget management, you can acquire the model that best suits your needs.

I hope this content has been useful to you and now you know which 3D printer to buy. If so, do not hesitate to share it with your friends through social networks!

Mix And Grind Admin

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